Well folks, this is a diamond in the ruff in my perception. The song 6th Flow from FYN, D.A.V.E., and JYN who go by the name of Nightmerica is a true taste of talent from the Metro Detroit area. The video debuted on March 31, 2013 and already they hit 1,000+ hits. Best In The Mix readers, this is local music that is in hip hop's essence and shows you where hard work can land you. I was introduced to this song/video on April 6, 2013 (yesterday) and I couldn't tell you how many times I've listened to this. This track is one of the many that will be on Nightmerica's mixtape "The Waiting Room." As for the video itself, it is very creative and has a melancholy tone. To me it's a representation of what the area has become, a wasteland. From the samurai sword to the graffiti in the background to the pretty girls embodies DOPENESS; JOE HENDO did his thing directing. Be ready for the Nightmerica's mixtape release! Twitter info is also included at the end of the video to follow and support these artists.
Twitter: @_KJTheGreat, @BestInTheMix
Email: Kjohnsonk14@gmail.com
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