15 May 2013

VIDEO: Kendrick Lamar - Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe

The video for the song which has indirectly become the anthem for catty women worldwide finally hits the net. As if Kendrick wasn't already dominating 2013 enough, this video (which looks to either be a subliminal diss to the euphoric drug MDMA (Molly), or a shot at Trinidad James who has more than popularized the use of the drug and has seen a meteoric rise to fame off of a mediocre record) will surely solidify Kendrick's spot in the game. What makes me believe this may be a shot at James is because Kendrick briefly takes a light jab at him on the remix to BDKMV. It is also widely known that James undiservingly graced the XXL Freshmen 2013 cover alongside KDot's Black Hippy brethren, and the type of music James represents is exactly what Kendrick attempts to destroy with the line "I'm tryna keep it alive and not compromise the feeling we love / you're tryna keep it deprived and only cosign what radio does."

Other than that, the video plays it safe for the most part. On the surface it's exactly what you would expect, given the title; a group of people turning a seemingly depressing situation into somewhat of a party. 

What do you guys think of the subliminals tossed into this video? What do you feel is the significance of the "Death to Molly" line at the end?

Hit up the BITM crew on twitter and let us know what you think



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